SecOps Dr Green - constant racist comments

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✖ Ausgeschlossen
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Good afternoon,

Why is Dr Green not banned permanently from this server? He is constantly making racist comments and the admins only ban him for 5-7 days. He is calling people N*gger and P*ki and Pig from Middle East and Dirty Muslim and the admins do nothing on a perm level. Do you encourage this type of communication?

He came on yesterday - made a racist comment - got banned and joined with another account. You never perma ban him. Maybe we should all make racist comments about Jews and Muslims and black people? Please do something!
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Please understand that we do not intend to respond to such unobjective or emotional submissions, which accuse us of complicity in racism without any reason. Your questions although are answered by the TOS.

In case you're affected, file an individual complaint on the same or next day after the incidence. We would then need appropriate evidence (e.g. screenshots, demos).
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Please understand - complaints are files insantly to the admins via @report - funnily enough - your own admins only implement a 5 day ban to the same person - for the past month.

Its disgraceful monitoring on your behalf and to sidestep responsibility is also pathetic. Did you learn that from the same school as Olaf Scholz? Dont blame me? Its not my fault?

Screenshots will be uploaded - lets see what excuses you have then. My guess is you find it easier to ban the person complaining rather than the racist.
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Unlike the servers, the forum is not for entertainment, but is to be understood as a working tool and information base. Administrators and readers of the forum do not have to accept being confronted with unobjective contributions. The forum user account Liquidsnake has therefore been excluded. The user is free to create a new user account and then in the future to comment only factually.
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