Top list

Gefällt Dir etwas (nicht) an c2Play, willst Du etwas verbessern oder hast Du allgemeine Fragen?

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Posts: 10
Joined: Fri 11. Aug 2023, 15:16


I noticed that the top list on some servers is occupied by the same people. Some of them sit in spectators for 17 hours, they spend hours killing bots to get into the top five leaders.
A normal player to catch up with them will be very difficult, he will also have to sit on the server day after day for several hours and kill bots that would catch up with the leaders, which is very difficult.

I suggest disabling the accrual of experience for killing bots.
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Joined: Tue 25. Jan 2011, 12:15

If one invests more time into the game than another player, of course he will then gain more XP.

The most XP are gained by killing players within the prime time:
  • 16:00: +50 %
  • 18:00-19:59: +75 %
  • 20:00-20:59: +100 %
  • 21:00-22:59: +150 %
  • 23:00-23:59: +100 %
  • 0:00 bis 1:59: +50 %

EU Servers: CET (Central European Time) / CEST (Central European Summer Time)
US Servers: Eastern Standard Time (EST)
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