I cant play anymore "voteban"

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Posts: 19
Joined: Tue 26. Dec 2023, 21:47


First i want to say, thank you for providing source servers!! I really enjoy playing on your server:

I have been playing this game since release, i have competed in this game and csgo for many years. That being said im starting to get old and i only play for fun these days

I'm getting votebanned now on a regular basis and i cant play anymore. They voteban me for cheating even though there is no evidence to that. I have good stats and i understand that people get frustrated. People are very rasist and rude towards be, even though i almost never talk in game, i only call out when i see enemies

I cant compete in the leaderboards since i cant play :(

Is there anything i can do about this? Can i upload demos to you when i play? Or can you maybe look at demos from yesterday? (if you auto-record) - im not saying that you should remove the option to voteban me.. but cmon im not cheating and i want to play

► Your c2Play-ID is: [NB:2655]
Nick: Tren

Have a nice day!
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Joined: Tue 25. Jan 2011, 12:15

Dear Tren,

after checking your account we decided to put you onto the voteban whitelist :)

Please note that whitelisted players can't use the voteban command any more and that players which would violate the TOS (e.g. by insulting other players) would immediately be removed from that whitelist.

Kind Regards,
Posts: 19
Joined: Tue 26. Dec 2023, 21:47


Thank you very much sir!
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