Always rude

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Gun Hellsweek
Posts: 9
Joined: Fri 15. Jan 2021, 18:31

I would like you to have a chat with "Uzi", a very frequent player in Deathmatch #6. I dont know why, but he is always very rude, always insulting and mocking. It might seen trivial but it is totally unnecessary and takes down the joy of playing at the server. Im a preimium player and has been for many years. I dont expect any benefits from that besides what Im paying for, but this should be a friendly place for fun and amusement and not a place for childish people to insult other players. I would appreciate if you could ask him to behave as an adult or at least in an adult way.
Auf Cheaterjagd
Posts: 811
Joined: Mon 9. Oct 2017, 00:53


First of all: Thank you for sharing your experiences with that user with us ;)

We can't stay the whole day online to follow all the chat. That means: We only act if there are heavy(!) problems - which we recognize by coincidence - or if anybody reports a player via "@report" in chat. If he goes on with swearing or provocations, please give us a hint by using that function.
Also it'd be new to me that we'd got a DM6. Maybe you just wrote a wrong number? (Pretty necessary to check the chatlogs - which can be circumvented by using "@report" next time ;) )

Give us a call and we'll act according to our rules - which you can find here:

Best regards,
"Die rastlose Selbstzerstörung der Aufklärung zwingt das Denken dazu, sich auch die letzte Arglosigkeit gegenüber den Gewohnheiten und Richtungen des Zeitgeistes zu verbieten." - Theodor W. Adorno
Gun Hellsweek
Posts: 9
Joined: Fri 15. Jan 2021, 18:31

Hi, I saw tonight that you had a conversation with uZi about his behaviour towards others players. Unfortunately it doesnt seem to help, since he continues to provoke, mock and insult. I dont deserve that shit. I also had a bad attitude once, I got a warning from you and I havent, and will never insult anyone again. I learned my lesson. However, this uZi character doesnt seem to get the message, or he just doesnt care. But I am tired of his recurrin insults. I have done nothing do deserve it. He just likes to mock people. Theres to much shit in the real world, I dont need more when Im gaming. I love this server and I have been here for many years as a paying member. Im sure it doesnt mean anything for you if Ieave, but I myself would be sad if I cant play on my favourite server anymore. I dont want be to be ridiculed by that very unpleasent character any more.
Auf Cheaterjagd
Posts: 811
Joined: Mon 9. Oct 2017, 00:53

Hello Gun Hellsweek,

like I said before: Please make a report if any situations like this are happening on the server.
According to 15.1 TOS you can also file a personal complaint against a player, but we need the exact time, c2play- or Steam-ID and the details ( Be aware that we can't take action if the insults (or provocations) are mutual.

We really do our best to prevent these stressful situations for everybody on our servers, but we can't (and don't want to) "stalk" everyone. And you're wrong: It means a lot to us if players leave our servers because they're getting mocked, insulted or whatever. This is why we got rules:

Have a nice week and give us a call next time^^
"Die rastlose Selbstzerstörung der Aufklärung zwingt das Denken dazu, sich auch die letzte Arglosigkeit gegenüber den Gewohnheiten und Richtungen des Zeitgeistes zu verbieten." - Theodor W. Adorno
Gun Hellsweek
Posts: 9
Joined: Fri 15. Jan 2021, 18:31

I will make a note the next time he behaves bad. Im looking for Deathmatch #6 in the chatlog but I cant find it...? Am I being plain stupid...?
Auf Cheaterjagd
Posts: 811
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Like I said before: There is no DM6, yes :smilie:

You find a list of our servers here :arrow:
"Die rastlose Selbstzerstörung der Aufklärung zwingt das Denken dazu, sich auch die letzte Arglosigkeit gegenüber den Gewohnheiten und Richtungen des Zeitgeistes zu verbieten." - Theodor W. Adorno
Gun Hellsweek
Posts: 9
Joined: Fri 15. Jan 2021, 18:31

Im confused, please help me understand. There are no DM6? Then what is it called? It says "Deathmatch #6 Italy, Nuke". You talked to uZi the other night in the game, in what map was it then? Does it have another name? Ive attached to pics.
DM6x.png (194.63 KiB) Viewed 1286 times
DM6.png (284.44 KiB) Viewed 1286 times
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Oh yes, there is indeed a Deathmatch #6. The list on the website is outdated :gnarf:
Auf Cheaterjagd
Posts: 811
Joined: Mon 9. Oct 2017, 00:53

Ah, you're both totally right - my fault :gnarf:

The DM #6 in the c2play-gamemenu (which I didn't installed) is called 'RANDOM DEATHMATCH' in logfiles :smilie:
"Die rastlose Selbstzerstörung der Aufklärung zwingt das Denken dazu, sich auch die letzte Arglosigkeit gegenüber den Gewohnheiten und Richtungen des Zeitgeistes zu verbieten." - Theodor W. Adorno
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