Complaint - Perky Killa

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I'd like to complain about Perky Killa. Whenever he joins the server there are either comments aimed at me or at SecOps in general, you can't get a minutes peace.

Please see examples below from this evening all within the space of a few minutes.

I pay to support the server so would like to play without abuse.

I believe the below breaches "5.1.1 Inappropriate behaviour: Rude behaviour towards other players, especially insults and provocations."

It's rude and insulting (insinuating I am bad at the game and should play something else and trying to provoke a reaction)
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These comments are a violation of Article 5.1.1 TOS, but they are actually not considered as insult. An admin might warn him next time once he sees him, but so far this qualifies not for an individual complaint according Article 15 TOS, since rudeness is (even if prohibited) unfortunately an expected behaviour and alone not a reason for an immediate ban of the player.
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Thanks Edgar. I understand that but he's had many warnings before and I believe is on his second strike for the exact same behaviour after two previous bans.

Does he just continue getting warning after warning and no action taken. He could technically insult someone, be warned, wait another week and insult someone else.

The times I play there isnt always an admin available. In this case can we not invoke 8.1.3 Suspension of the account (Article 10) for the breach and if he does it again withing 7 days I will report again via the in-game menu?
Last edited by SnakeDoc on Thu 5. Sep 2024, 08:15, edited 2 times in total.
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I followed your rationale and suspended the account, also for its own safety :arrow: viewtopic.php?t=6521897
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Thanks Edgar I appreciate it. I hope this draws a line under the matter and stops it happening in the future. Insults aside Perky is a good player and good to play against.

While the insults aren't particularly bad they're just annoying and unnecessary and makes it less enjoyable to play the game.
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guys its a joke how is this even bad? crazy this what it is abusing ur power snake doc :)
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I've posted a reply which you won't have seen yet. I like playing against you, you're a decent player. I just can't stand the comments and remarks. They're unnecessary and spoil the game for me.

Just cut them out and I won't have a problem.
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What have I said that is an insult on here ? Go play sims2 is not a insult i still support you guys every month and still u guys continue to ban me for nothing u guys simply don’t want me on ur server Edgar
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come on admin . read the comments again nothing bad was said there it was all having a bit banter. since hes been warned last time the comments etc have stopped , if he cant come on and speak and have a bit banter whats the point in playing the game
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